
90 years

Founded in 1932, we are one of the most traditional law firms in Brazil. We are proud to be an internationally respected Brazilian firm. A benchmark brand in maritime law that has expanded to other sectors of the economy with the same excellence and skills for which it has always been recognized. We combine tradition with modernity. Over these 90 years, we stand out for our integrity, quality and creativity, always valuing teamwork, unity and diversity of people and thoughts. We are modern in our way of being, in our ability to deal with novelty, and in our vision of the future. The future encourages us to always be better. We are concerned about the environment, society and governance.
Sustainability is important to us because we care about people, about our planet, and we genuinely want to do good.

Our goal comes from the desire to positively impact business and society. We are, as a law firm, the protagonist of history itself. A firm with a vision of the future, up-to-date with trends. A firm committed to customer challenges in the pursuit of great results.

We are happy to share our journey and celebrate our 90 years!

Committed to your challenges.
The Venue

We will celebrate our 90th anniversary and you are our guest!

Our event will take place on September 23, 2022 at 8 pm at MAM – Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro, located at Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 85, Parque do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.

The Venue

Getting to the Party


To get around the city, you can count on the taxi service or other private transportation apps, such as Uber. Simply download and to move safely in Rio de Janeiro.

Kincaid will offer valet service on site.


You can also find taxi service at the MAM facilities, where the party is held. The authorized taxis in Rio de Janeiro are yellow. Check out the main taxi companies in Rio de Janeiro:


Passports, Visa and Safety Rules

Passport and Visa

For most countries, Brazil adopts the principle of reciprocity of treatment for the entry of foreigners. Citizens of the United States, Canada, Singapore, Australia and Japan do not need to request a visitor’s visit, however, there are countries that do. Citizens of visa-exempt countries can stay as visitors for up to 90 days. Advised participants and participants who are on the entry visa list to visit Brazil.

In order to apply for a visa, the foreign citizen must present the visa application form duly completed, valid travel document, proof of payment of consular fees, International Certificate of Immunization – when necessary – , and other documents specific to the type of visa requested. 

Read more: Visas to enter Brazil (vaccines required to travel).

Interministerial Ordinance No. 670, of April 1, 2022, establishes the requirement to present proof of vaccination, recording the first complete immunization cycle for at least 14 days. In addition, the ordinance highlights the end of mandatory quarantine upon arrival in Brazil. Learn more here.

Read more about Vaccines required for travelling here.

Medidas de Segurança

Safety protocols regarding the coronavirus must be maintained. Therefore, pay attention to hand hygiene by washing or using hand sanitizer. The use of masks is no longer mandatory in the city of Rio de Janeiro, but has been recommended by the city since June 2022, especially for people in the risk group.

Tip: Always carry your proof of vaccination; after all, it may be required in some establishments, such as restaurants, hotels and museums!
When in Rio

Where to Stay

Check out some hotels that can offer the best accommodation during your visit to Rio.
Accredited travel agency:
When in Rio

To do

The Marvelous City offers its visitors beautiful landscapes and unforgettable sights.

Christ the Redeemer

The traditional symbol of the city of Rio de Janeiro, located on Mount Corcovado, Christ the Redeemer welcomes visitors with open arms and offers a privileged view of the city.


Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden

The place has a lot of history and natural beauties. The visit to the Botanical Garden will astonish those who love to be in touch with nature and love the splendid landscapes that only Rio can offer.



The fact is that those who love sports will be mesmerized by the grandeur of Maracanã Stadium in all aspects. But those who think that Journalist Mário Filho Stadium, aka Maracanã, is only for football lovers. The venue is also home to concerts and events. Stay tuned for programming!


Sugarloaf Mountain

This tourist spot provides a truly privileged view of Rio de Janeiro. In addition, it is a fundamental tour for those who want to enjoy all the best that the city has to offer. Get ready to see (and photograph) Rio from an indescribable angle!



Tip: Coming to Rio and not enjoying the beach is impossible. After all, the place is full of beaches that please all tastes. We recommend Copacabana and Ipanema. Have fun!

When in Rio


Enjoy the gastronomy and cuisine of Rio de Janeiro. It is for all tastes and localities!

If you are looking for a restaurant in Copacabana, enjoy the refinement of Belmond, a Restaurant in Copacabana Palace.

Marina da Gloria:

If you are at Marina da Gloria, click here and check out the best restaurants in the region.

Santos Dumont:

There are also good restaurant options close to Santos Dumont Airport, such as Xian Restaurant.

South Zone:

In the South Zone, enjoy Rubaiyat (Botanical Garden), Fogo de Chão (Botafogo) or Assador (Flamengo). Still in the South Zone, Dias Ferreira Street (Leblon) is a great choice for the variety of restaurants along this gastronomic pole.

When in Rio




The Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro is a reference institution for the country's art and culture. Founded in 1948, it has one of the most important collections of modern and contemporary art in Latin America, with more than 16,000 works. Its performance is based on the art-education-culture tripod.  
Throughout its history, MAM Rio has held exhibitions that to this day mark the expressions and languages ​​of the arts and culture, having hosted movements that transformed the country. Its Cinematheque, with audiovisuals in all formats and a screening room, is an important center for documentation and filmic enjoyment.



Inaugurated on 1 March 2013, the Museu de Arte do Rio promotes a transversal reading of the city’s history, its social fabric, its symbolic life, conflicts, contradictions, challenges and social expectations. Its exhibitions unite historical and contemporary dimensions of art through national and international exhibitions of long and short duration. The museum also rises with a mission to insert art in public education, through its Escola do Olhar.  
With its own collection – in the process of being built through acquisitions and donations that correspond to its agenda – MAR also counts on the loaning of works from some of the best public and private collections in Brazil for the execution of its programme.



A new icon of the modernization of Rio de Janeiro’s harbor, the Museum of Tomorrow was born in the Praça Mauá as a science museum meant to explore, imagine, and conceive all the possibilities for constructing the future.  
An experimental museum, where the content is presented through a narrative that combines the accuracy of science with the expressiveness of art, using technology as a support in interactive environments and audiovisual and gaming facilities created from scientific studies conducted by experts and data released all over the world.  
Designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, the building - whose organic shapes were inspired by the bromeliads of the Botanic Garden of the city - occupies an area of 15 thousand square meters, surrounded by reflecting pools, gardens, a bike lane, and a leisure area, all adding up to 34.6 thousand square meters of the Píer Mauá.


For Our Planet

Kincaid was born in the country that is home to the greatest biodiversity in the world, as well as unique biomes and species. Therefore, our new identity has sustainability in DNA.

As a way of consolidating our commitment to the environmental issue, we also align who we are. Now, Kincaid is even more ecologically responsible and engaged in the environmental cause. We mobilize our time and collective conservation, in actions and externals in favor of the planet. We celebrate 90 years in the best style: generating a positive impact on the world!

Sustainability is our gate for the future!

In the office, we have adopted reusable cups as an indispensable practice. In this way, everyone can avoid the consumption of disposable plastics, abolished at Kincaid, and contribute to achieving the goal of reducing the waste produced in the office to zero. Investing in sustainability is to contribute to the well-being of all of us, who directly and daily enjoy the planet.

The Recycling Yearbook estimates that, with an estimate of the amount of materials available for recycling Brazil, the emission of about 442,500 thousand tons of CO2. And, we are proud to say that Kincaid has its contribution to everything, due to the recycling partnership that periodically, chose the papers that the office separated new to end. Thus, in an accessible way, all of the time can engage in the environmental cause.

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Relevant Organizations in Brazil

Route Brasil

An organization that works for planetary regeneration.

SOS Amazônia

An NGO with the mission of promoting the conservation of biodiversity and the growth of environmental awareness in the Amazon Rainforest. In addition to the awareness campaigns, there was the need for the institution to develop projects, propose and implement public policies , focused on the dissemination of models and practices for the preservation of biodiversity and sustainable development, initiatives that guide, on a daily basis, the duty to fulfill the mission of SOS Amazônia.

WWF Brasil

Created in 1996, WWF-Brasil is part of the WWF Network and currently has more than 170 employees working on more than 90 projects in the Amazon Rainforest, the Cerrado, the Atlantic Forest, the Pantanal and marine ecosystems on the Brazilian coast.

Instituto Lixo Zero Brasil

Instituto Lixo Zero Brasil (ILZB) is an autonomous, non-profit civil society organization that pioneered the dissemination of the concept of Zero Waste in Brazil.

SOS Mata Atlântica

The SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation is a Brazilian environmental NGO. It works in the promotion of public policies for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest by monitoring the biome, developing studies, demonstrative projects, communicating with public and private sectors, improving the environmental legislation, communication and engagement of society. The organization has restored forests in 550 municipalities and has replanted 40 million native trees.

What have you been planting for tomorrow?

In an attempt to preserve and respect the planet, its resources and inhabitants, the UN has created 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs.  
The United Nations expects to achieve the SDGs in 2030 and, in this regard, KINCAID continues with actions for sustainability, contributing to an ecologically correct present and an ecologically sustainable future. 


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